Saturday, September 27, 2008

I'm a Survivor:)

So I made it to Saturday. Whew. I knew that yesterday would have to end sooner or later. And I must say, today is going much smoother:) Probably feels that way cause I was able to catch up on some sleep. Also my daughter is doing much better. She is quite the survivor herself. I have done some thinking and I have come to terms with yesterday. I let my focus change from pleasing God to trying to please myself and others. But when you are attacked like I was yesterday, it's so easy to do get distracted, wouldn't you say? It's so easy to let worldly matters consume your every being. I have recently learned that I have a habit of letting other people's problems become my own. I'm a fixer. Know anyone else like that? I don't like to see other's struggle so in a sense if I try to fix other's situations, I feel like I'm helping take the burden off them. What a nasty habit. One of my favorite saying is "Stop telling God how big your storm is. Instead, tell your storm how big your God is". I have that written on a card in my bathroom so I see it every day. But some days I just go through the motions of reading it and not really taking to heart what it means. My father is big time journalor(sp?) He goes to adiration quite frequently and writes down what he hears our Father telling him at that moment. He lets me read it and I can't seem to forget what he wrote down one morning in his journal. It went something like this.....
Ever notice how a bird is constantly on a mission; whether to gather food for it's young or itself, or to gather twigs and materials to make a nest. It never takes it's focus off the mission. A bird does not fly around randomly, but always has a mission and will not rest until that mission is complete.
Now, if you think about this, it's very true. It is so easy for us to get distracted with our worldly matters that we forget what the mission is, to seek God's mission for our lives for the greater good of his Kingdom. Now, how easy was it for me to take all the storms I encountered yesterday and allow them engulf me with frustration and stress? Pretty darn easy. I think it's only human that we do allow things to distract us. We are human. But I think what's important is that we are able to recognize that we are or were attacked and we need to redirect our focus to our Lord. He wants us to give Him our struggles, our worries, our anxieties, our frustrations and everything else that prohibits us from walking with Him. I believe this is something that we strive to do everyday. Some days it is easier than others, but the sun will always come up the next day and we will have that opportunity to either carry the burden with us from day to day, or to give it to God. Hmm...I find this writing to be very soothing to my soul. It's as if God is talking to me and telling me what to write and talking to me at the same time. I hope someone else finds this assuring and encouraging.

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